Strictly Knit
Kristine Skov Cancar is a Copenhagen based Textile designer and the owner behindthe knitting company Strictly Knit. Kristine studied Product Design and specialized in
the art of knitting – graduating in 2008.KADK The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
Schools of Architecture, Design and ConservationKristine´s work is characterized by her excitement of working hands-on with the knitting
machine in the studio – using materials as wool, cotton and metallic yarns in a wide range
of different colour combinations. Her “strict” lines and simple forms allow her to focus on
the material itself and experiment with texture and color tones. She seeks to create an
sustainable collection of knitted pillows that people can slowly collect and use on a daily
basis in their home.Kristine makes all the samples and the final collection on her 4gg Universal industrial knit-
ting machine in her own knitting studio at Nørrebro in Copenhagen. All the yarn is
purchased from European suppliers and it´s important to Kristine that the production is
as sustainable and transparent as possible.Find out more: